Happy Mother's Day - dress options for nursing mamas!

Happy Mother's day mommies!
I've realized an ongoing problem with nursing mothers -
A dress you're able to nurse in isn't easily come by.
Let's be honest...nursing dresses aren't cute [and/or affordable].
Here are a few options I've found online.
Ideally, a wrap dress works great...BUT I'm not always a fan of a wrap dress,
nor can I ever find one in a store that doesn't look like an old lady robe.
Opt for a zip or button down front, or a romantic wrap front.
Make sure these options aren't just for show and they actually DO open.
Or you can always go for a low cut jersey material that pulls down for easy access!
Another option is a dress that has adjustable straps or small enough straps to slip off your shoulder.

XO Maureen

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H&M // one | two | three ($34.95 & under)
asos // one | two | three ($66.69 & under)
LuLu's // one | two | three ($68 & under)